Terms & Conditions


These terms and conditions apply to all sales made to you via this website. By placing an order you are deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions. Please read and familiarize yourself with them. For all other terms and conditions of sale please refer to the Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale of Shepherd Name as published here.


We reserve the right to alter, without notice, the range of products, prices of products and terms and conditions of sale before you place an order. Please note product shades and shapes may vary. All measurements are approximate. Should a particular product (or part of a product such as items comprising a hamper) be unavailable we reserve the right to substitute a similar item. We reserve the right to withdraw any item from sale without notice.


After placing an order, you will receive an e-mail from us acknowledging that we have received your order. Please note that this does not mean that your order has been accepted. Your order constitutes an offer to us to buy a product or products as advertised by us. All orders are subject to acceptance by us, and we will confirm such acceptance to you by sending you an e-mail that confirms that the product(s) has/have been dispatched (the “Shipping Confirmation”). The contract between you and us (the “Contract”) is only formed when we send you the Shipping Confirmation.

We will not accept orders for delivery to addresses outside the India.  The Contract will relate only to those products whose dispatch we have confirmed in the Shipping Confirmation. We will not be obliged to supply any other products which may have been part of your order. If we decide not to accept all or part of your order, we will not be obliged to supply any (other) products which may have been part of your order and will instead arrange a full refund for that element of your order.


If you are contracting as a consumer, you may, subject to the terms of our Returns Policy set out below, cancel a Contract at any time within 7 working days, beginning on the day after you received the products. In this case you will receive a full refund of the price paid for the products in accordance with our Refunds Policy set out above. To cancel a Contract you must inform us in writing. You must also return the products to us immediately, in the same condition in which you received them, and at your own cost and risk. You have a legal obligation to take reasonable care of the products whilst they are in your possession. If you fail to comply with this obligation we may have right of action against you for compensation. This provision does not affect your statutory rights.

In order to cancel an item in your order please check according to website.

  • Log into your mybodycare.today.in account and go to the Order History’ page
  • Identify the item you want to cancel and click on the corresponding ‘View Details’ link
  • In the detailed order page, you will see ‘Cancel’ links against each of the items in that order
  • Click on the ‘Cancel’ link, indicate the reason for cancellation, choose a mode of refund and confirm cancellation
  • Once your cancellation request is created, we will ensure that the cancellation is processed as soon as possible


Prices are valid at the time of order

  • Full payment must be made prior to dispatch of the products, by credit or debit card. We accept all major debit/credit cards. In the event of non-authorization of payment by your card issuer you will receive an on screen notification and your order will not be processed. We cannot accept liability for any losses or costs incurred or sustained by customers who transmit credit or debit card information. (See our Security Policy below)
  • All prices are inclusive of GST (where applicable) at the current rate and are correct at the time of entering the information onto the system. We reserve the right to amend prices without notice from time to time.
  • The total cost of your order is the price of the products ordered plus delivery charges.
  • By completing the process for an on-line order, you are confirming that the credit/debit card being used for the transaction(s) is yours.
  • All credit/debit cardholders are subject to validation checks and authorization by the card issuer. If the issuer of your payment card refuses to, or does not, for any reason, authorize payment to us, we will not be liable for any delay or non-delivery.


The products will be at your risk from the time of delivery to you.


No permission is given by us in respect of the reproduction or use for commercial or detrimental purposes of any brand names, product names, designs and other material shown on or connected with our website in which intellectual property rights subsist.

Governing Law these terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Indian Law and all parties shall submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Indian Courts. If you have any queries or complaints, please contact us at customercare@mybodycare.co


We shall not be liable to pay any compensation to you, other than any refund as provided above. In particular, but without limitation, we shall not be liable to you for loss of profit, damage to goodwill, any indirect or consequential loss or damage arising out of any damage, defect, negligence or other failing on our part unless (I) you have expressly made us aware in writing of the nature and extent of the loss or damage which you may suffer in such situation; and (ii) we have expressly confirmed in writing that we accept liability for such matters. Our liability for losses you suffer as a result of us breaking this agreement or any other duty owed to you (if any) is strictly limited to the purchase price of the product. Nothing in these terms shall limit any rights you may have as a customer which are not capable of being lawfully excluded or limited, nor shall it exclude or restrict our liability to you for any death or personal injury resulting from our negligence.


We take your online security very seriously. Please check the third point if it is valid for website.

  • When you place your order, you are offered the use of an advanced secure server, which encrypts all the information you input before it is sent to us. Credit card numbers are encrypted both before an order is processed and when stored on our database.
  • We will comply with the requirements of the BRAND “MY BODYCARE” to ensure that your personal information is processed fairly and lawfully and we will take appropriate precautions to keep your personal data secure.
  • To check the security of our website, simply look in the lower bar of your browser when you fill in your payment details. You will see an unbroken key or closed lock, showing that encryption is active and your information is secure. For security reasons, we strongly recommend that you do not send credit card numbers by standard email but use the secure facility provided on this website


Your privacy is very important to us.  We do not share your information with anyone. Your personal information (including name, billing address, phone number, email address, and credit card information) is used only as necessary to process your order. We protect your financial information with industry-leading security and fraud prevention systems. Your financial information is not shared with 3D PERSONALCARE LLP (“MY BODYCARE”).  We will only contact you if there is a question or problem processing your order.  If you have subscribed to our notification service, special offers or promotions may be sent by email or postal mail by My Body Care. You may opt out at any time by following the instructions in the communication you receive.



You agree fully to indemnify, defend and hold us, and our officers, directors, employees, agents and suppliers, harmless immediately on demand, from and against all claims, liability, damages, losses, costs and expenses, including reasonable legal fees, arising out of any breach of the terms and conditions by you or any other liabilities arising out of your use of this website, or the use by any other person accessing the website using your shopping account and/or personal information. Our rights


modify or withdraw, temporarily or permanently, this website (or part thereof) with or without notice to you and you confirm that we shall not be liable to you or any third party for any modification to the website; and/or change the terms and conditions from time to time, and your continued use of the website (or any part thereof) following such change shall be deemed to be your acceptance of such change. It is your responsibility to check regularly to determine whether the terms and conditions have been changed. If you do not agree to any change to the terms and conditions then you must immediately stop using the website. Orders We will take all reasonable care, in so far as it is in our power to do so, to keep the details of your order secure, but in the absence of negligence on our part or our non-compliance with the Data Protection Act in India, we cannot be held liable for any loss you may suffer if a third party procures unauthorized access to any data you provide when accessing or ordering from our website.


We reserve the right to withdraw any products from this website at any time and/or remove or edit any materials or content of this website. We may refuse to process a transaction for any reason or refuse service to anyone at any time at our sole discretion. We will not be liable to you or any third party by reason of our withdrawing any product from this website whether that product has been sold; removing or editing any materials or content on the website; refusing to process a transaction or unwinding or suspending any transaction after processing has begun.


We have sole copyright on all goods, samples and graphic representations supplied or made available by us. The purchaser is expressly forbidden from making copies of these or allowing copies to be made.





If you do not understand any of the foregoing Terms and Conditions or if you have any questions or comments, we invite you to contact us at customercare@mybodycare.co


Brand “MY BODYCARE” Disclaims All Warranties With respect To This Site, whether Express or Implied, Including, But Not Limited To, Implied Warranties of Merchant ability And Fitness for a Particular Purpose. In No Event Shall “MY BODYCARE” Be Liable To You For Any Damages Whatsoever, Including Any Direct, Indirect, Special Or Consequential Damages, Arising Out Of Or In Connection With Your Use Of This Site Or Any Hyperlinked Site, Even If Oriflamme Has Been Advised Of The Possibility Of Such Damages. Applicable Law May Not Allow For All Of The Above Exclusions, So All Or Part Of This Paragraph May Not Apply To You.

For copyright issue, the concerned party can send the notice to customercare@mybodycare.co

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